The 9 Types of Settlers Who Play Catan

On the (longest) road to winning 10 Victory Points, you’re bound to play against these people.

Matt Paolelli
7 min readDec 4, 2015

Settlers of Catan is an incredible game. Once you’ve mastered its numerous but not overly complex rules, you’re hooked. I’ve seen it happen over and over again, most recently this past weekend as I taught the game to several of my younger nieces and nephews.

No matter your situation in the real world, the Island of Catan is the great equalizer — middle schoolers and managers sit down across from one another and roll dice for the right to build on the best slices of resource real estate. The crucial decisions made in the next hour and a half will decide who will be crowned Emperor of Catan and who will be left one turn away from winning with an unplayed Victory Point Development Card clenched in their fist as they beg their fellow players to stay for a second round. Everyone agrees, and the process starts all over again.

No two games of Catan are ever quite the same, but one thing is certain: There’s never enough brick to go around.

It’s also certain that frequent Catan players will quickly develop distinct personality types that could vary wildly from how they behave beyond the realm of Catan. These traits guide their gameplay, decision-making and…



Matt Paolelli

husband & father | long-winded writer | cancer survivor | side hustler