5 Animated Christmas Music Videos You Should Watch Right Now

Get in the spirit of the season with cartoon musical treats for the young and young at heart.

Matt Paolelli
4 min readDec 14, 2020

You know what goes well with Christmas and Christmas music? Hot chocolate!

Yes…but also? Animation!

So here’s a list of some festive animated music videos that will hopefully make your season even brighter. Grab a cup of your favorite chocolatey goodness and click below to enjoy a festive playlist for the ears and the eyes.

This post first appeared in my Tips From Dad newsletter. Subscribe here!

Sleigh Ride — Relient K

We’ll start things off with a light-and-breezy take on this classic carol. Aside from Relient K offering a unique cover of this song, the fun animated short that accompanies it plays a little bit like watching a modern teenage Bugs Bunny thwart Santa Claus to impress a girl bunny. I can’t believe I first saw this way back in 2008, but I guess the quality of the animation and the bunny’s sideburns and haircut give it away.



Matt Paolelli

husband & father | long-winded writer | cancer survivor | side hustler